What Pre-existing Conditions Make It Difficult to Get Additional Health Insurance?

As many Canadians know, not every clinical cost is covered by a provincial plan. Most individuals have some type of additional health and wellness insurance to cover additional costs. It consists of a corporate team plan, in which a person becomes qualified because of the work.

But what about those who don’t have a team plan in place, and deal with pre-existing problems? Unlike federal government plans, private insurance providers do not need to provide health and welfare coverage to anyone. They may decide the existing problems are enough to reject the application for the new plan.

The meaning of pre-existing problems differs from insurance provider to insurance provider. How it can affect insurance applications also depends on the type of coverage you need. The advantage is that it reads the fine print and is honest. Failing to disclose any pre-existing issues will void your coverage if you need to obtain an insurance claim.

What is a Pre-existing Problem?

A pre-existing problem is something you had before you used insurance, from the flu to a terminal illness. Problems may be minor or major — but their meaning is also unclear and varies between service providers. Most individuals think of pre-existing problems as long-term health and wellness diagnoses, but they can also consist of pregnancy, compound use, or certain psychological health and wellness challenges.

What Types of Problems Take You Out of Cover?

The size and type of coverage will affect the significance of pre-existing problems. For some temporary plans, such as short-term travel clinical insurance, your insurance provider may want to find out if the clinical problem is stable and under control. So, if you actually have a heart problem that hasn’t changed in the previous 6 months, the company can authorize your application. But if your doctor changes your medication 2 months before you are due to leave for your trip, the insurance provider may decide the problem is unstable and reject your plan.

When it comes to longer call coverage, a lot depends on the level of insurance you want and whether you leave the team plan. If you leave your job or retire, many private insurance providers give you the option of continuing the plan for as long as you choose for a set period of time, say 2 months. In this situation, you will definitely pay the fees previously paid by your company. You will not normally be based on additional clinical questions.

What Pre-existing Conditions Make It Difficult to Get Additional Health Insurance?

However, if you want more benefits or don’t have team coverage, you should probably get a clinically guaranteed strategy. The clinically guaranteed plan will ask you to answer a collection of health and wellness questions. Based on your clinical background, the insurance provider will decide whether to sell you a package. Some insurers tell candidates ahead of time that if they have one of a pre-existing list of problems, they will be rejected — so there’s no need to use it. Instances can consist of:

  • AIDS
  • Cancer cells in the last ten years
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Drug or alcohol abuse in the last 5 years
  • Heart attack
  • Kidney illness
  • Schizophrenia

However, this laundry list is just an example. It is not extensive, and may not cover all insurance providers.

Tips for Getting the Right Plan

To get the protection you need, the key is to be positive. First, if you know you are leaving a team plan, you may want to continue with that coverage especially if you don’t know if you can get new insurance. Second, look at plans from various insurance providers. Providers of varying terms — for example, one might consider an issue “stable and under control” if nothing has changed in the previous 6 months, while other insurance providers might only have appeared in the previous 90 days.

If you need ongoing health and wellness insurance, review as many plan options as possible. Different companies have various risk evaluations. That means while some may not protect you if you do have a particular problem, others may.

Review Your Options Online

The good news is that you can start your research by going to InsuranceHotline.com. There you can get the latest information and information about various insurance items. Find out more about obtaining a life insurance policy or travel insurance with pre-existing problems.

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