How Modern Home Insurance Covers a Hybrid Workforce

As companies around the world embrace new work atmospheres, homeowners are changing the way they see and experience their homes, turning them into workplaces, institutions, and conference rooms.

Today, with crossbreed work models increasingly in demand, individuals must have the ability to produce functional workspaces in your home, at work and in many other places.

Since these terms are often used interchangeably, we would like to define a small difference between some of the more common cross working atmospheres:

Advances in technology have made it easier than telecommuting or working from home, but remote work also has unique challenges. Not only do you need the right equipment and space to work outside of the workplace, but you also need to make sure you have the right coverage for your items and devices.

Unless you are currently working or taking a course from the office, chances are you are starting work in 2020 on your laptop computer from the best level surface you can find. Studies show that as the weeks and months go by, many people—especially homeowners—invest in goods for a more comfortable and practical “new normal.”

Here is one of the most common technology items included in the office to create an atmosphere of efficiency and a better work-life balance.

But how is everything protected?

Listed below you will find valuable information about how your home insurance coverage can support you functioning outside of the workplace.

Anyone familiar with the function of the workplace knows that accidents—from tripping over a filing box carelessly to slipping on a freshly mopped floor—happen. Nowadays, however, work-related accidents can happen in your home.

The advantage is that if you are a full-time employee, your employer’s business insurance coverage will most likely have liability insurance for you and industrial property insurance covering business-owned equipment. In most situations, this type of insurance covers work-related injuries and damage to company equipment.

However, it’s a smart idea to check with your home insurance representative as well as your company to fully understand your home insurance coverage and your company’s coverage—and to determine any gaps.

If you are an independent professional or self-employed, you usually run a business as an entrepreneur. That means you are most likely responsible for paying all of your expenses, including getting the proper insurance coverage to cover you, your equipment, and all the workers you own.

If you used to exercise at work but have now moved to work entirely from home, general homeowners insurance coverage will likely not cover potential claims properly. You may also run the risk of canceling part of your homeowner’s plan.

This is why it is wise to seek advice from an insurance professional on the best way to protect yourself, your family, your home and any workers you may have.

In your employer’s workplace, their insurance covers workplace site visitors, business equipment, and cybersecurity. When you work from home, the rules about these factors may be a little unclear.

Suppose a customer was injured while at your home, for example? What happens if the breakdown stops at your office and your work laptop computer crashes? Or suppose you provide company proprietary information because your software was hacked while you were running your home business? It’s important to know how your home insurance coverage or your company’s business insurance coverage will handle these situations.

How Modern Home Insurance Covers a Hybrid Workforce

Most people aren’t too keen on discussing home insurance (unless you’re us, as this is Hippo’s favorite point to talk about), which is why it’s important to find a home insurance company you can trust.

It’s helpful to know that you can count on your home insurance company when you have questions or concerns, especially as you adjust to an ever-changing work environment. Your home insurance company should treat you properly guaranteed for every possible situation and will be happy to talk to you about your options.

At Hippo, we continue to function to provide our customers with one of the most modern home insurance experiences we can. That’s why we provide 4X higher coverage of your home technology, along with free smart home kits and doors open to our Hippo Home Treatment department. Not only that, but our client support group is ready and waiting to answer your phone calls. They’re here to give you the help and support you need so you can be sure your home has the right amount of protection—if you need it.

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