What do I have to do? COVID-19, Travel Insurance and you

To travel or vice versa to travel? That’s the question of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that Canadian travelers are considering.

The Canada-US border remains close to all non-essential travel that lasts for months. The government’s non-essential global travel advisory recommending all Canadians to avoid traveling overseas is still in effect (although the FBI won’t stop you from flying to the US or various other locations as some countries like the UK, Australia, and France do).

In recent months several travel insurance companies have presented plans consisting of clinical emergency coverage for COVID-19. What should we do? What should we not do? Let the scratching of the head begin.

Many snowbirds are probably considering whether they should fly to the US or vice versa. Not recommended for traveling to the U.S. this winter as the infection continues to spread, and also if you have travel insurance with COVID-19 coverage, if you are sick and need to visit a medical facility in the United States, there is no guarantee there will be beds available.

Whether you’re traveling or have plans to travel in the not too distant future, make sure you understand how COVID-19 can affect your travel insurance coverage, as well as how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

  • What is COVID-19?
  • Is that the danger of contracting COVID-19?
  • How to reduce the risk of getting COVID-19?
  • How contagious is COVID-19?
  • When will COVID-19 inoculation be available in Canada?
  • What travel insurance providers offer coverage for COVID-19?
  • If I live in another country and have COVID-19 symptoms, but my travel insurance won’t cover my expenses, what should I do?
  • How do I know if the Canadian federal government issued a travel advisory for my location?
  • Are people from other countries allowed to visit Canada?

What is COVID-19?

According to the Globe Health and Wellness Company, COVID-19 is one of the most recently discovered variants of the coronavirus, which is a group of infections that can make a person sick. The corona virus can cause various diseases ranging from the flu to more severe illnesses.

Is that the danger of contracting COVID-19?

Anyone can catch COVID-19 if they have it. Older individuals and individuals with pre-existing clinical problems such as hypertension, cancer cells, or diabetes may have a greater risk of developing serious illness if they are contaminated.

How can I reduce my risk of getting COVID-19?

There are many ways to slow down the spread of infection and protect yourself:

  • Use a cell, or cough and sneeze directly into your equipment and not your hands
  • Handle any cell you use later instantly
  • Avoid groups and individuals who are sick
  • Preferably, maintain a physical distance of 2 meters from others
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth because infections in the hands can enter the body by doing this
  • Often use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you can’t wash your hands with soap and sprinkles
  • Reduce the amount of contact you have with older adults and individuals with major health and wellness issues such as cancer cells
  • Wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth

How contagious is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is highly contagious. It can be spread from one person to another through the air if a contaminated person coughs or sneezes near you, or if you touch a surface area or item after a contaminated person has done so. The federal government is motivating Canadians to maintain physical distance from others through social distancing, and to accept good health methods such as washing hands with soap and splashing frequently to help reduce the spread of disease.

What do I have to do? COVID-19, Travel Insurance and you

When will COVID-19 inoculation be available in Canada?

It is not known when efficient COVID-19 inoculations will be generally available in Canada. On November 24, Prime Imam Justin Trudeau said a vaccine would not be available in our country as soon as possible in the US, Germany and the United Kingdom. That’s because Canada doesn’t have a residential pharmacy center to manufacture it like those other countries. However, dosages are expected to be available at some point in early to mid-2021.

What travel insurance providers offer coverage for COVID-19?

Several travel insurance providers have come forward in recent weeks with plans for travelers comprising coverage for COVID-19 such as Manulife, TuGo, Allianz Global Assistance, Blue Gocross, Medipac and Tour+Med. The plans are different, so if you decide to buy one for an upcoming trip, it is best to make sure you understand all the information and the coverage limitations due to the plan. It doesn’t matter, if you are likely to be traveling, don’t leave your home district without adequate travel insurance or you risk thousands of dollars if you get sick or injured while traveling.

If I live in another country and have COVID-19 symptoms, but my travel insurance won’t cover my costs, what should I do?

You may be able to obtain assistance from the Canadian federal government in this situation. Through the COVID-19 Emergency Situation Loan Program for Canadians Overseas, Canadians can use loans that can be repaid up to $5,000. To use this program, email the federal government at [email protected]

How can I know if the Canadian federal government issued a travel advisory for my location?

Visit government government websites for all travel advice, and communicate with your airline or tour driver for the latest information they can share.

Are people from other countries allowed to visit Canada?

The federal government has restrictions on the positions that can visit Canada during the ongoing pandemic. Most direct non-essential travel to Canada is not activated at this time. International citizens, consisting of Americans, may enter Canada if eligible. Anyone who is allowed into our country must be quarantined for 2 weeks upon arrival.

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